SAS has been the leader in statistical softwares in corporates and industries for a long time, while SPSS and STATA have been on top in academics. However, with the huge influx of start-ups, R and Python are coming up quickly to the top, and have challenged SAS for the leading position.
In this blog, I will share a basic set of R commands and codes that will be helpful to start working with R. These are easily available online, and this blog is just a small step to consolidate the important codes in one place. If someone really wants to learn R, it is recommended to browse through coursera and edx.
In this blog, we will go through the following commands:
In this blog, I will share a basic set of R commands and codes that will be helpful to start working with R. These are easily available online, and this blog is just a small step to consolidate the important codes in one place. If someone really wants to learn R, it is recommended to browse through coursera and edx.
In this blog, we will go through the following commands:
- Reading Data in R
- List of columns in a dataset
- Different joins in R
- If conditions and multiple if conditions
- Appending two dataset
- Group by command
- Finding distinct values in a vector
# 1. Reading Data in R
SampleData <-
read.csv('C:/Users/Desktop/Sample_R_Data.csv',header = TRUE,dec=".")
SampleData1 <-
read.table('C:/Users/Desktop/Sample_R_Data.csv',sep=",",header =
# 2. List of columns in the dataset
colist <- colnames(SampleData)
data1 <- subset(SampleData, select=c("cust_i",
data2 <- SampleData[,c(2,3,4)]
data2_1 <- SampleData[c("cust_i", "y_var")]
data3 <- SampleData[1:10,c(2,3,4)]
# 3. Joins in R
data_LeftJoin <- merge(x = data1, y = data2, by =
"cust_i", all.x = TRUE)
data_RightJOin <- merge(x = data1, y = data2, by =
"cust_i", all.y = TRUE)
data_OuterJoin <- merge(x = data1, y = data2, by =
"cust_i", all = TRUE)
data_CrossJoin <- merge(x = data1, y = data2, by = NULL)
data_InnerJoin <- merge(x = data1, y = data3, by =
# 4a. If conditions
data4 <- subset(SampleData, y_var==1)
data5 <- SampleData[SampleData$y_var==0,]
# install.packages("sqldf")
data6 <- sqldf("select * from SampleData where
# 4b. Multiple If condition (SUBSET is inefficient)
data7 <- subset(SampleData, y_var==1 & SampleData <= 300)
data8 <- SampleData[SampleData$y_var==0 & SampleData$str_trnx_gap
<= 300,]
data9 <- SampleData[SampleData$y_var==0 | SampleData$str_trnx_gap
<= 300,1:4]
# 5. Append
data10 <- rbind(data4,data5)
# 6. Group By Summary Statistics in R
# Note the use of USER_DEFINED function
table(SampleData$y_var, responseName= "sum")
aggregate(SampleData$cust_i, by=list(Category=SampleData$y_var),
tapply(SampleData$y_var, SampleData$y_var,
tapply(SampleData$y_var, SampleData$y_var,
# 7. Get distinct values of a vector