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Monday, January 22, 2018

Random Forest in Pyspark

Random Forest is a commonly used classification technique nowadays. In this blog, I'll demonstrate how to run a Random Forest in Pyspark.

We will have three datasets - train data, test data and scoring data.
The train data will be the data on which the Random Forest model will be trained. The test data will be the one where we will be testing our model performance. And, finally the scoring data will be the one for which we would be predicting the Y variable based on the attributes.

The train data and the test data looks like the following:

The scoring data looks like the following:

 where the Y_var is the dependent variable and X1 to Xn are the independent attributes.

The complete code is saved in the github location:

The first step would be to import the data in pyspark. As we can see, when we import using sqlContext.sql, the resulting database is a sql.DataFrame. We will then convert these to rdd format

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 1:
# Creating an Pyspark dataframe from a hive table
# Importing the train data, the test data and the scoring data
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

data_train = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM my_db.Sample_50pct_train")
data_test = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM my_db.Sample_50pct_test")
data_score = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM my_db.Sample_scoring")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Type of object
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <class 'pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame'>

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 2:
# Converting to a pyspark RDD from pyspark Dataframe
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

data_train_rdd = data_train.rdd
data_test_rdd = data_test.rdd
data_score_rdd = data_score.rdd
#<class 'pyspark.rdd.RDD'>

# In order to run the Random Forest in Pyspark, we need to convert the Data Frame to an RDD of LabeledPoint.
# The LabeledPoint rdd looks as follows:

# [LabeledPoint(0.0, [100.45, 31.25, 76.12 ]), LabeledPoint(1.0, [110.45, 25.53, 70.0])]
# where 0.0 and 1.0 are the Y variables for the two records, and the next vector is a vector of X1, X2,X3.
#So, every record is re-written as a LabeledPoint. We can convert a rdd to a LabeledPoint as follows:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 3:
# Importing libraries for converting the data frame to a dense vector
# We need to convert this Data Frame to an RDD of LabeledPoint.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors
from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 4(a):
# For the train and test data, the structure is as follows:
#    The first row is Customer_ID; second row is the Y variable; and the third row onwards are the X Variables
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

transformed_train_df = row: LabeledPoint(row[1], Vectors.dense(row[2:])))
transformed_test_df = row: LabeledPoint(row[1], Vectors.dense(row[2:])))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 4(b):
# For the scoring data, the structure is as follows:
#   The first row is the Customer_ID; and the second row onwards are the X Variables
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

transformed_score_df = row: LabeledPoint(row[0], Vectors.dense(row[1:])))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 5:
# Random Forest model
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from pyspark.mllib.tree import RandomForest

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 5(a):
# Parameters for the Random Forest model
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 5(b):
# Training a Random Forest model on the dataset
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

model = RandomForest.trainClassifier(transformed_train_df, \
    numClasses=2, categoricalFeaturesInfo={}, \
    numTrees=RF_NUM_TREES, featureSubsetStrategy="log2", \
    impurity="entropy", maxDepth=RF_MAX_DEPTH,  \
    maxBins=RF_MAX_BINS, seed=RANDOM_SEED)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 5(c):
# Make predictions and compute accuracy
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

predictions = model.predict( x: x.features))
labels_and_predictions = x: x.label).zip(predictions)
model_accuracy = labels_and_predictions.filter(lambda x: x[0] == x[1]).count() / float(transformed_test_df.count())
print("Model accuracy: %.3f%%" % (model_accuracy * 100))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 5(d):
# Model evaluation
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from pyspark.mllib.evaluation import BinaryClassificationMetrics

metrics = BinaryClassificationMetrics(labels_and_predictions)
print("Area under Precision/Recall (PR) curve: %.f" % (metrics.areaUnderPR * 100))
print("Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve: %.3f" % (metrics.areaUnderROC * 100))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 6:
# Scoring dataset
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
score_predictions = model.predict( x: x.features))
score_labels_and_predictions = x: x.label).zip(score_predictions)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 7:
# Creating a final hive table for the scored data
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

score_df = spark.createDataFrame(score_labels_and_predictions)
spark.sql("drop table if exists my_db.pyspark_scored_sample")
spark.sql("create table my_db.pyspark_scored_sample (Customer_ID bigint, prediction int)")
spark.sql("insert into my_db.pyspark_scored_sample select * from scoring_file")